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The Rise in Supply Chain Cyberattacks

Cyberattacks can happen anytime. One of the most devastating types of cyberattacks occurs in supply chain companies. Once the leading company is attacked, all of the businesses under it — big or small — will also be affected. How do you avoid these cyberattacks? Let’s dig deeper.

How To Decrease the Risk of Losses Caused by Cyberattacks

Here are some ways to reduce the risk of cyberattacks on your supply chain.

Identify Supplier Risk

You can’t stop cyberattacks from happening. The best way to avoid them is to know your vendors’ risks. Create a list of all of your suppliers and clients. Please review all of them and identify each of their cybersecurity risks. You can do this with your IT provider or partner.

BetterWorld Technology can help you review your vendor’s security, so you will know how much risk they pose for your business.

Create Minimum Security Requirements

You can also create a minimum-security management requirement for all your vendors to ensure that your system is safe.

Do an IT Security Assessment

Another way to avoid security breaching or hacking is to know where you are most vulnerable. Make an IT security assessment with your IT partner to tell if your system is weak or strong.

Consider Backup Vendors

You will never know when a cyberattack can happen. Instead of suffering from the damage after one of your vendors gets attacked, consider using a backup vendor. You can use your backup vendors in case your main vendor encounters problems where they will not be able to provide supplies for you.

Backup All Data

Another element to help your business grow stronger and stay consistent is backing up all your files into a third-party app or tool. Make sure to use a third-party tool that is safe, secure, and well-managed.

Get in Touch With Us

At BetterWorld Technology, we highly recommend all business owners, big or small, schedule a supply chain security assessment to help ensure their accounts and data are safe. Businesses from Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles, etc., should schedule a security assessment with us today. We are a managed services provider with excellent IT services, and we’ll make sure to give your business the best IT environment. Call us today!



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