If you’re new to Office 365, you may be overwhelmed with many questions, such as which one is more effective than the other, what is Microsoft Teams, and what are the differences between these solutions? In this blog post, we share what you need to know about managing your files in Office 365, and how you can take full advantage of the features it offers.

What Is Office 365?
Microsoft’s Office 365 platform provides users with a comprehensive way to scale and customize it to the unique needs of every team that uses it. As the leader of your business, it’s essential to provide your people with the right tools for effective communication and collaboration. Microsoft is the world’s most reputable and respected IT Managed Service Provider (MSP), helping to simplify processes while providing seamless transitions for businesses.
OneDrive for File Storage
When we simplify OneDrive, we can think of it as ‘My Documents’ but on the cloud. Microsoft has created it as a synchronization and file hosting service that functions as a part of its Office services online. It can be used for your personal storage and works specifically for two kinds of files:
● Files for individual consumption, such as white papers and research materials, must be accessed even offline.
● Any kind of drafts that you are still working on and aren’t ready for sharing yet.
SharePoint for File Organization and Sharing
SharePoint is an excellent place for employees to collaborate through an internal website that can be easily accessed from your phone or computer. It’s used to manage, distribute, and store files for your users, complete with individual permissions and access levels. SharePoint is beneficial for the following activities:
● Looking for specific files
● Sharing data with your team
● Working with others on one document
● Creating a site for your team
● Moving files and folders in different libraries
● And more
Teams for Group Collaborations
Teams are Microsoft’s answer to Skype, and it is replacing it for business purposes. This central communications hub allows you to combine your workplace chats, video meetings, application integration, and file storage all in one place. It offers internal and external guest access and fully integrates with your business’s Office 365 suite.
In today’s digital age, it’s imperative that your business stays cohesive and ahead of the competition. By harnessing the full potential of Office 365, you’ll be able to enhance your processes and profitability while encouraging effective collaboration and communication without involving your entire organization. Because Microsoft continually improves its services, there’s no telling how much more you can get done in the years and even months to come.